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Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium Essential Oil

Regular price $11.99 USD
Regular price $15.00 USD Sale price $11.99 USD
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  • Cruelty Safe
  • 100% Pure
  • GC/MS Tested

How to Apply

1.Body Butter

Total Time: 5 minutes

2 ounces shea butter or coconut oil; 3-6 drops oil; Small container or jar to mix the ingredients

In a double boiler, melt the shea butter until it’s liquid. Make sure the oil is not so hot that it will burn you, then add the other oils and stir together to combine. Having the shea butter be room temperature or a little warmer is best. You can either smear it on your scar right away, or if you’d like to make it into a shelf-stable cream texture, place the mixture in the fridge until it’s cool for a few minutes, then use a hand mixer on high speed to whip the oils into a white cream. Pour into a glass jar or containers, and keep it at room temperature to use whenever you want.

2.Facial Cream or Body Rub

Total Time: 5 minutes

This all-natural night cream is great to help you fall asleep. It also doubles as a skin health-booster if you apply it to your face and may be able to help clear up blemishes or breakouts.

5 drops essential oil; 5 drops lavender essential oil; 1/4 tablespoon organic coconut oil; 1/2 teaspoon olive oil Small container or jar to mix the ingredients


Use coconut oil that’s not solid but rather soft. If need be, heat it first in a double broiler. Add the other oils and stir together to combine. Spread over your face and body. You may want to pat yourself off after to not allow the oil to seep into your bed sheets. You can also store this to use at another time.

3.Stress-Relieving Bath Soak:

Simply add a few drops of essential oil to a hot bath. You can also add it to an oil diffuser or vaporizer to help fight anxiety and for experiencing relaxation in your home all the time. Some people believe that the fragrance of natural essential oil can increase your intuition and spiritual connection.

4.Topical: Apply 2–4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed. 

5.Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily

Introducing our Geranium Essential Oil, a delightful and balancing oil that brings a touch of floral bliss and harmony to your daily routine. Experience the captivating qualities of Geranium with the following key features:

  • Floral and Sweet Aroma: Enjoy the enchanting scent of Geranium, blending floral and sweet notes for a beautifully balanced aroma that uplifts the spirit and promotes a sense of calm.

  • Balancing and Harmonizing: Geranium essential oil is known for its balancing properties, helping to restore emotional equilibrium and promote a sense of harmony within the mind and body.

  • Skin Care and Radiance: Geranium essential oil offers nourishing properties for the skin, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion. It can help balance oil production, support skin rejuvenation, and soothe occasional skin irritations.

  • Relaxation and Stress Relief: Geranium essential oil has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. It can create a soothing environment and aid in promoting relaxation and tranquility.

  • Natural Insect Repellent: Geranium is renowned for its natural insect-repellent properties, making it a valuable choice for keeping bugs at bay during outdoor activities or creating a pest-free environment.

  • Aromatherapy and Home Fragrance: Use Geranium essential oil in diffusers to infuse your space with its delightful aroma. It creates a serene and inviting ambiance that uplifts the mood and promotes a sense of well-being.

Our Geranium Essential Oil is meticulously crafted from the finest Geranium flowers, ensuring the highest quality and potency. It is pure, undiluted, and free from any additives, providing you with the authentic and beneficial properties of this remarkable oil.

Experience the balancing and soothing qualities of Geranium essential oil. Embrace its floral and sweet aroma and discover the many ways it can enhance your well-being. Order now and immerse yourself in the benefits of our Geranium Essential Oil, your key to harmony, radiance, and a blissful state of mind.



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What is the best essential oil for fighting infection?  

Tea tree, frankincense, and lemongrass are among the best essential oils for fighting infection. These essential oils are a rich source of natural antiviral and antibacterial plant compounds, which help prevent the spread of germs and may help the body fight off infections. Other great essential oils for fighting infection include oregano, orange, mandarin, rosemary, nutmeg, ginger root, clove bud, cinnamon bark, and eucalyptus essential oils.

Can kids use Essential Oil?  

We do not recommend our Immune Strength Essential Oil Blend for kids younger than age 10.

Can I use an essential oil on skin?  

Sure. But we recommend diluting Essential Oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or almond oil, prior to topical use. 1 drop of essential oil with 5-10 drops of carrier oil.

Is it safe to use around pets?

Yes, it is. You can still cudle with your pets when applying our natural essential oil. 

Will I need more than one bottle of your formula?

This depends on your needs. It is important that you do not run out of formula and keep applying. The bottle is sufficient for over 100 applications, and one drop of formula is enough for a relatively large area. Should you be applying to a very large area you may need more formula.

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